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Please reconsider

This comic was written and drawn between 2003 and 2009, back when I was an extremely socially stunted teenager. They were different times, with different criteria for what is or isn't acceptable, but more importantly I was an edgy idiot who didn't know better and had a severely underdeveloped sense of humor.

These strips are sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic and terminally unfunny, they represent a very embarrassing period of my life and, unless you were around back when I first posted them and are feeling nostalgic, I very firmly recommend that you do not read them.

  1. A short story to warm up
  2. Love, glory and alien invasions
  3. Bar pals (while we look for a plot)
  4. Warping time and nature
  5. The Second Alien Invasion
  6. A little bit of randomness
  7. Tickler dragons and amazons
  8. Sex! (And still PG rated)
  9. After sex cigarette
  10. Welcome to Zoolion
  11. Forgotten characters
  12. The End
  13. ZooCity v2