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Chapter 7: Tickler dragons and amazons.
133. Travel with Elcano Tours - Nummy food included.

134. Friends like this make you feel lonely.

135. I always hated History at school.

136. No offense intended. Well, not much...

137. Tell me about strange fruits.

138. At least they're happy to see him.

139. This is pathetic! Come on, gimme acid!

140. Less talk, more fire!

141. Yes, we still have more characters to introduce.

142. What? If that effect worked once...

143. Why the hell won't they use axes?
(short Flash clip of a dragon amazon landing)

144. This game would be easier if there wasn't a stupid dramatic effect!

145. I can't work with so few support!

146. Yeah, that's all the help I'm willing to give.

147. Science has failed our world!

148. Listen to all offers before rejecting any punishment.

149. Ain't no Atlantic Ocean wet enough.

150. Plot holes are not my forte. Neither is cartography.

151. Nope, they aren't the same in every continent.