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Chapter 12: The End.
228. I love this new style you've used, dear.

229. 3VE.pas (22,9) Fatal: Syntax error, LOL expected but O.o found.

230. Short relationship.

231. This crap took two months.
(long unfinished Flash animation in which the characters are ambushed by a swarm of Equidna clones,
the TT unit gets destroyed and a different Equidna comes to their rescue)
232. Too many Equidnas in the same strip.

233. Darkness fetish.

234. Choose your prize.

235. A little cameo of our porn star.

236. The foot fetishist, the jealous and the homophobe.

237. Using the other neuron may not be useful in critical situations.

238. It's funny 'cause it's true... metaphorically speaking.

239. Greatest paradox ever.

240. A stone would look hot with those goggles.

241. Sanfermines '05 Special.

242. What a happy coincidence!

243. I really hate you all, guys.

244. Nothing personal against people from Milan, honest.

245. Now you know why he was kicked out of the group.

246. You don't know what a blues is.

247. Not Umbrella Corporation's Hive.

(short Flash 3D turntable
loop of the castle)
248. There is always an evil lieutenant who dies before the end.

249. Let's be serious.

250. One man's nuclear weaponry is another's treasure.

251. In your face!

252. Run for it!

253. They'll be back.

The evil mutant was of course Warumi, Elder's minion, using time travel technology to see the future.
In a latter chapter, Tina would have betrayed Equidna for money, allowing Warumi to get his DNA so she could make an army of clones.
But at this point, the tone of the comic had changed so much that I decided to just scrap it and start from scratch.