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Chapter 4: Warping time and nature.
57. New day, new plot, new evil stuff...

58. Chorja's not very observant.

59. Presenting new characters!
(short Flash clip in which Inés takes her trenchcoat off to reveal herself and 73P)
60. LOL.

61. Who needs time continuity?.

62. When all started to make sense...

63. Leave schemes to professionals.

64. Vote Gloria for empress!

65. Awtifiziaw inteweegenz

66. Stephen Hawkins was wrong, Spielberg was right.

67. Thinking is for losers!

68. I hope that gene is recessive.

69. Bishounen-seeker sense tingling!

70. 3D backgrounds are enough distraction.

71. It isn't my fault that there was a bifurcation there!

72. Glorious moments for everyone!
(short Flash clip in which Tina kicks the door down and Kaliptra reveals herself)
(short Flash loop
of Tina dancing)
73. Respect vegetal evil beings.

74. Miss Distraction 2003.

75. Sit down and relax while you're being strangled.

76. High distraction technology invades our lives.

77. Inés' best weapon: transtemporal confusion.

78. Darts and poison: two dramatic moments in one strip.

79. Everybody pseudo-dies sooner or later.
80. It's hard to find logic in Tina's brain.

81. Heart-warming moments spoilt by dead rodents.

82. "Oral phase"? For heaven's sake, someone kill him! No, wait, he's dead...

83. What? Mom didn't tell you?

84. The obligatory breathtaking moment - sniff sniff.

85. Gotta save Christmas! Er... no, on second thought, to hell with it.

86. Back to reality: isn't great to have friends?

87. The return of the denaturalizer dart used in Strip N.79

88. Oh, no! My teacher is dead! And it hasn't been me who has killed her!

89. Mommy, our future president frightens me...

90. Aaaaaaaaaaahhh!!! Horrible vision!

91. Back to strip N.069 (and yes, he put his shades on before his pants)

92. It has to be cool to be Seth.

93. We're going to be sued for this...

94. Nothing more stimulating than killing a coworker.

95. Chorja & Bimo's: with every three drinks, a trip to future for free.

96. Chorja goes mad (scientist)

97. There was still sooo much to say...

98. Biting the hand that feed us (includes fully detailed futuristic furry XXX full frontal nudity)

99. What a kind person.