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Chapter 8: Sex! (And still PG rated)
152. Monty Python references used as a weapon.

153. Sooner or later these things happen between roommates.

154. One dark secret revealed, 573 left.

155. Sanfermines '04 Special

156. He's an honest boss.

157. If you're weird, you aren't Seth's friend.

158. Biologically impossible? I don't care!

159. Something new for everyone.

160. What would you do if your sex was changed?

161. Opportune memory losses and light-weight loves.

162. OMG, I see tentacles everywhere I look!
(short Flash clip revealing genderbent Nelson)
163. Shameless competitors advertising... gone almost invisible.

164. Even uglier than usual?

165. And you still haven't seen his liver and kidneys.

166. Phone during the next 15 minutes and you'll get a toaster for free!

167. Hail to the cow, baby.

168. He uses that trick more usually than you'd think.

169. I warned you, but you didn't want to listen! I warned you!

170. And here we thought inventing light bulbs was intelligent.

171. Evil Snoopy dance of joy! Er... doom!

172. Every evil being has a weak point.

173. Are you sure you want to save the world? Yes/No/Cancel

174. Yay for epilepsy!

175. Suddenly something between him and the floor disappeared.

176. Back to normality... to our average normality of lead walls.

177. Kaboom!!!

178. Sure, leave the evil guy free, don't worry.

179. This is what happens when you let Kira create a character.