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Chapter 2: Love, glory and alien invasions
7. Better don't ask what the "G" means...

8. And then, time continuity goes mad.

9. Love hurts... and break legs.

10. This is creepy.

11. Studies show paranoia is contagious.

12. It happens almost everyday.

13. The dramatic story of Dawn's life.

14. And next, the weather forecast.

15. Why you shouldn't knock out everyone you see.

16. Do it for fun.

17. Those brave policemen...

18. A policeman in the hand is worth two behind the desk.

19. First battle: lost.

20. I want you for ZC army!

21. Videogames magazines strike back.

22. Use your imagination. Bleah!

23. What does "camouflage" mean?

24. Have you ever felt rejected?

25. Too much DNA can kill you.

26. I want you for... bah, forget it.

27. Nudity, plagiarism and other illegalities.

28. Pause for a dramatic effect.

29. And where was everybody?

30. Let's be friends, evil twin of mine!

31. Super-Disco-Fashion poses never work.

32. When evil clones became evil.

33. Larger version with fight and love scene.

34. Time to panic!

35. Sanfermines '03 Special

36. That's the problem with 2D vision.
(short Flash clip in which the alien queen reveals herself)
37. Never interrupt a Queen's speech.

38. Because sometimes logic is not enough.

39. Did I say that? I meant... er...

40. Once more, the author proves to have no idea of female mentality.

41. Battle, destruction and talcium siloxide.

42. I suggest a new strategy...

43. How to inflate an ego... and blow it up.
(short Flash clip in which Nelson emerges from the alien spaceship while carrying Tina in his arms)

44. Neil-Lien-Pi phone home.

45. This story was getting too long.